Tuesday, November 30, 2004

It has been awhile!

I know it has been awhile. I have been busy doing a whole lot of nothing! Just working a lot. How sad! I have been talking with Sarah and Kyle and I will changing my blogger around and adding something new to it. I am very excited about it. I just need to talk with some of my writers and come up with some gold shit!
Now in other news, I will be home in IL on dec 20th till the 26th or 27th. I am so fuckin excited to go back. Don't get me wrong I love it here and I have no plans on moving back, but visiting will be cool. I hope it snows while I am there. And I can't wait to see my family and friends! Hey ISU HEY!
Also, I got my hair cut and it is very short at the moment! It was very long and bushy so I had to have that shit cut and I am currently indifferent with it. I like it at moments and then there are times that it is not so much.

Final thoughts!
I hope everyone is doing good!
Sarah maybe you shouldn't have so much pie this Christmas, after all your man is getting fuckin huge! If he keeps this up, one night in the throws of passion your ribs will break and that would be just fucked up.
Cassie don't forget you have closed those luscious gates which are your legs!! So don't be a HO!!!
Jared stop drinking!
Liz stop doing dark meat!
Becca you should pick up some random have your way with him and then get up and have a cig as you leave with out saying a word!
To all ISU dancers Merde on your concert next week and remember to lift and keep your abs engaged!!!

Friday, November 12, 2004

He is ok / fuck NyQuil

So when I went to LA after work on tues. to go see Owen in the hospital, Sarah calls me to say that everything is ok and to meet them at the house. That was so fuckin good to hear. So I went to the house to meet them, there I hung out with Pat(Kyle's mom) who flew in the day earlier to help out with Stew and see Owen. She is great. So when they got to the house he seemed just like his usual self. I ran up to him and he wanted to play our game. Which is me throwing him around like a rag doll and then catching him. I know that is what he wants because he runs to me with a shit eating grin and once he gets to me he throws his body and I have to catch him where ever he flies. I was happy to see him so excited, but I really couldn't throw him up because he had been through so much and wasn't fully well. So that sucked. Anyway everything seems to be back to normal at the Ford house hold.

Now on a different note. I have been sick the last couple days but last night I kept waking up coughing and with a stuffy head. Now the thing that really pissed me off was that I had taken NyQuil before I had went to bed. I woke up and was like are you fuckin kidding me. This was not the best sleep I had in the world and I was so fuckin pissed at the advertising. I wanted to get up right then and write a stiffly worded letter to the company telling them what fuckin liars they were. I couldn't sleep for shit! BBBRRRRR I was pissed. ok I am ok now, but man was I pissed. The only reason I didn't write a letter is because, well.... face it I am a lazy ass! Lucky them!

Monday, November 08, 2004

Weird time now

So this weekend I spent in LA.

Friday Sarah and I went and had some drinks with her friends and it was a good time.

Now Sat. kind of sucked. I woke up to Kyle calling me and asking me to watch over Stew because they were taking Owen to the emergence room. Owen had been getting these big bruises and it was worrying them. So they did some blood test and decided to admit him for the night. I guess his platelets where low and they are still trying to figure out why. So Jeff came over to Sarah's house in the afternoon and we both watched Stew the whole day. Which was totally cool with us and was not a problem. Finally around 9 pm I got to go to the hospital to see Sarah and Owen, but he was passed out by then. Well she seemed to be doing well but was very tired. I made them chicken soup and had brought her some, as well as crazy bread. You know she loves her crazy bread. hahaha So now it is Monday night and he is still in the hospital and Kyle told me he will be for a few more days! ;( So I am heading up there tomorrow after work to see them, but will not stay the night for I have to be lovin it the next morning. (how sad McD's again) I will let ya all know how things go. I also plan on spending the week end there. I am sure everything is all right. Just a weird time that's all.

Hmmmm lighten the mood

Cassie is an Irish whore.
McBRRR spreads like butter.
Jared is a casual drunk who is dead to me.
Not to even mention Marc's dumb ass, 
hahah who can forget Liz and her lack of taste.
aahhh now I feel better.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Raise by wolves, maybe?

Raise by wolves, maybe?

Raise by wolves, maybe?

Raise by wolves, maybe?

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

hiking sunday morning with jeff

hiking sunday morning with jeff

Casual Hike

Casual Hike

Hiking was fun and brutal

So on Halloween morning Jeff picks me up from Sarah's house to take me hiking. Now I am all excited to get out and go explore nature. We go up to Malibu, because there is a place there that he hasn't been to. So once we get there it is beautiful and I am again excited. As we step one foot on the trail I suddenly think what ifs. Like what if there is a snake on the trail and it bites me, what if there is a casual Mountain Loin waiting to eat me like it is Thanksgiving!!! WHAT IF!!! Then of course Jeff tells me to shut up and not think about it and we would be ok. So I am like that is a good idea, but really just thinking away a bad situation doesn't make it not exist. However, nothing bad happened. Well excepted for the death of my legs and ass! For that hick was nice and painful. I mean I really want to go again on a hick, but I just expect to pace myself. On the first part we were going at a very good pace, then it got steep ass hell and I was totally that fat person. I could hardly breath, I was sweating. I mean it was poetry. I would have judged myself. But then we took a nice break to talk and enjoy the view, which was amazing for all you IL people who were wondering, and also for you lazy ass LA people who never go out and enjoy the area that you live in. Yup that is judgment! Soooo anyway, it was painful but a great time and I can't wait to do it again, of course keeping the snake and Mountain Lion out of my thoughts!