Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Hiking was fun and brutal

So on Halloween morning Jeff picks me up from Sarah's house to take me hiking. Now I am all excited to get out and go explore nature. We go up to Malibu, because there is a place there that he hasn't been to. So once we get there it is beautiful and I am again excited. As we step one foot on the trail I suddenly think what ifs. Like what if there is a snake on the trail and it bites me, what if there is a casual Mountain Loin waiting to eat me like it is Thanksgiving!!! WHAT IF!!! Then of course Jeff tells me to shut up and not think about it and we would be ok. So I am like that is a good idea, but really just thinking away a bad situation doesn't make it not exist. However, nothing bad happened. Well excepted for the death of my legs and ass! For that hick was nice and painful. I mean I really want to go again on a hick, but I just expect to pace myself. On the first part we were going at a very good pace, then it got steep ass hell and I was totally that fat person. I could hardly breath, I was sweating. I mean it was poetry. I would have judged myself. But then we took a nice break to talk and enjoy the view, which was amazing for all you IL people who were wondering, and also for you lazy ass LA people who never go out and enjoy the area that you live in. Yup that is judgment! Soooo anyway, it was painful but a great time and I can't wait to do it again, of course keeping the snake and Mountain Lion out of my thoughts!


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