Tuesday, October 19, 2004


So I have been in CA for like 2 weeks now and I am liking it a lot. I have been back and forth from my sisters in Hemet, to my best friends house in Santa Monica! On Sunday I spent the day in San Diego, with Jeff visiting our high school mentor Carol Wiedmann and her sister. That was a great time. On Monday I baby sat for the Ford's so they could go to the Hollywood Movie Awards! Now today Kyle took me to a table reading of the show Family Guy! It was great! Saddly Seth Green and Mila K were not there, but it was still awsome to watch Seth M! The script was great. It was written my Mark Hentemann! I meat him and his wife. I really liked the office and the building! I want to work there. So far I am having a great time in CA!


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