Friday, September 10, 2004


I am back in hicks vill trying to figure out my life. I am currently working, so I can move to LA(or ny) in the next few weeks. But the other day my dad came in my bed room, because I have it all moved into again with pictures everywhere. He was like why did you put your whole room together your room together if your just moving soon. I replied, well I will be back, to visit and come home now and then. He then said no, once and a great while but you WILL NEVER LIVE HERE AGAIN! Then it hit me, he is fuckin right. I keep thinking I will live here with my bros again, but it is a lie, just like cassie's breast.(the bitch stuffs) I have been sitting here in a little depression thinking what happen to me, is this it.(kinda like niki does when she use to have a buffet of men and now just one) Now I go and audition my life away, until I get something. I feel like I can't even come home until I accomplish something in LA. I am happy at least I am going to audition. I have some talented friends who are to chichen to audition and they waste there talent, this pisses me off!! Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of people from my school who have no talent and getting other jobs is the best thing for them! don't ask who I am talking about cause I will TELL NO ONE, so don't waste your time. Anyway, I am sure I will do fine, but after talking the talk, I really have to walk the walk!! I am excited about my future, just not sure how I feel about leaving my hick town for good, not to mention all the people hate at ISU. Well all this thinking has made me hungry. I am going to go eat then purge, so I can eat again.



At 12:08 AM, Blogger Mama Cass said...

If I stuffed, my tits could take out China...and I KNOW your ass would tell me if I had no talent cuz that's the kind of bitch you are so I know I have some ability. You will be fine baby. You don't put up with shit (even though you talk it...all night long:0)) you are an extremely talented individual, and I totally have your back for the rest of your natural born life. THAT'S how I know you'll be fine. Love and hugs, ya dirty bitch. Go mow my lawn. ;0)


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