Friday, November 12, 2004

He is ok / fuck NyQuil

So when I went to LA after work on tues. to go see Owen in the hospital, Sarah calls me to say that everything is ok and to meet them at the house. That was so fuckin good to hear. So I went to the house to meet them, there I hung out with Pat(Kyle's mom) who flew in the day earlier to help out with Stew and see Owen. She is great. So when they got to the house he seemed just like his usual self. I ran up to him and he wanted to play our game. Which is me throwing him around like a rag doll and then catching him. I know that is what he wants because he runs to me with a shit eating grin and once he gets to me he throws his body and I have to catch him where ever he flies. I was happy to see him so excited, but I really couldn't throw him up because he had been through so much and wasn't fully well. So that sucked. Anyway everything seems to be back to normal at the Ford house hold.

Now on a different note. I have been sick the last couple days but last night I kept waking up coughing and with a stuffy head. Now the thing that really pissed me off was that I had taken NyQuil before I had went to bed. I woke up and was like are you fuckin kidding me. This was not the best sleep I had in the world and I was so fuckin pissed at the advertising. I wanted to get up right then and write a stiffly worded letter to the company telling them what fuckin liars they were. I couldn't sleep for shit! BBBRRRRR I was pissed. ok I am ok now, but man was I pissed. The only reason I didn't write a letter is because, well.... face it I am a lazy ass! Lucky them!


At 8:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, Artist,
How eye haf mist yur perty voyce theez daze.
I was lovely-glad to hear from you.
happy Thanksgiving.
Don't forget your roots. You're still Anaya from mid-America, am I right?
Great chat, lovely light you've got there
Now to dream of turkey dinner, although I can already feel your jetstream of judgement approaching my Thanksgiving feast. Yes, yes we DO have a concert coming up...
I hope to catch you betwixt corn feilds over Christmas break. keep me up to date.

At 11:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving my dearest diva! I love you more than all the food I ate yesterday. Well, not more than the wine. Gonna go purge! I suggest you do the same. Hey toilet hey!


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