Monday, May 09, 2005


Well well well,

First I want to take this time to say I am sorry that I have been away for awhile. I understand that people depend on my opinion and judgment. So for those who have been so kind as to send my hate mail for not posting, I thank you for expressing your feelings.

Well where I left off, I still love work and have been moved up to a server and that is where the money is, and soon I will be having time to take more classes in the arts. So that is a good thing.

I am currently not in LA, but back in hicks ville in IL, and loving it. I spent the week end in Illinois State visiting a bunch of old great friends, and casually ending friendships too. Sounds harsh, but sometimes you need to cut some dead weight loose. I currently have no regrets on that score though. It was wonderful however, to see some of my old teachers and mentors. Laurie is like my mom and I am still going out with her later this week. The week end itself was full of drinking and sin and I was happy to be part of it. I thought when I came back that I would be kind of sad to watch the show and see my friends. I mean sad, like I wish I was still part of it or something. However, that didn't happen. I was very proud of everyone and glad to see them and visit, but I don't wish I was still there. I am competely happy in life where I am, and have not regrets on that score either.

Well anyway I am in good old rochelle till sunday. On sat. I watch my youngest brother kill himself, .... I mean get married. BBBBRRRRR


At 7:58 AM, Blogger Mama Cass said...

I know your ass isn't talking about me. I'm not goin anywhere. I'm like the slutty cockroach that wouldn't die.
P.S. What time are you picking me up for the wedding?

At 8:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I am most enjoying your fucked up humor, egotistical comments, and endearing photos from recent trips to NY, ISU, and beyond, I can't help but wonder these few items:

a) when you go out, are the stories you write about really true because it looks to me as if you really just spend the whole night taking posed pictures. (Major J on you.) Then again, what would a photo album be without posed if not ludacris pictures starring Mike Anaya and friends: see college photo album made from kodak instant pictures and label maker.

b) when the hell are you ever going to introduce me to the viewers of this little world you've created?! How is that LA talent agency and mega-million CEO running the agency supposed to sweep me off my feet and bring me into the throws of hollywood unless you blog about my ass?!!?!?
and when you do, it better be good...

miss you and love you.


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