Thursday, January 13, 2005


BBBRRR So last night, as I was innocently driving around lookin at all the fine cosinos in the area, when my car decides that it is done. DONE! Being the smart guy I am, I notice that it is still running but no longer excelling. So I pull off to a gas station. I then look and saw that my car had all the fluid it needed and was puzzled. Whatever could it be. So I continue to look at the engine as if I know how to fix it or something. Why do people do that? I mean I can change a tire and my oil, but I can't fix a car. Yet yesterday I pulled out my flash light and gave the engine a good look over. I even crawled under it!! WHY? What in the hell was I expecting to fine? Anyway, the lady working the over night at the store had a friend, who fixed cars. So he came in and looked at my car and said "Transmission!" He also said I needed to have it towed. He however, doesn't fix those though. He said that where every I take it, there is a 50/50 chance I will be ripped off however, had no segestions for me either. He was nice though, he gave me a ride home 25 miles away. I didn't get the ride until I had spent 5 hours there! Anyway so I called around and it will cost me $100 to tow it and they think if it is the transmission it will be $1200 to $2000! The thing is though the people who sold me the car just had a brand new transmission put in on 6/2003 and that cost them $2000! So I am a little bitter that is broke down, but was lucky I make it somewhere safe and got a ride home. However, this is why TODAY HAS SUCKED!!


At 8:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im sorry you had a crummy day baby. :( Good news're on the front of one of the posters for ACTF (ur pic is like a lil smaller than my look amazing in ur dance outfit)....and....ME AND RICO MADE IT TO FINALS!! And we did an awesome job the finals round! So smile baby and be glad you're not in the trunk of some car in the parking lot of Wal-Mart. Cuz if you were, I would have self esteem and we can't have that.
Love you love you.
Irish Guttersnipe

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